Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Hest collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users (each, a “User”) of Hest products and services. This privacy policy applies to all the products and services offered by Hest. As “site”, we are referring to all the products and services offered currently and in future by Hest. We will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy.


We may collect personal identification information from Users in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, register on the site, search for information in connection with other activities, services, features or resources we make available on our Site. We will collect personal identification information from Users only if they voluntarily submit such information to us. Users can always refuse to supply personally identification information, except that it may prevent them from engaging in certain Site related activities.


Among the types of Personal Data that Hest collects, by itself or through third parties, there are: Usage Data, Data communicated while using the service, first name, last name, email address, various types of Data, username, and password.

Complete details on each type of Personal Data collected are provided in the dedicated sections of this privacy policy or by specific explanation texts displayed prior to the Data collection.

Personal Data may be freely provided by the User, or, in case of Usage Data, collected automatically when using Hest

Unless specified otherwise, all Data requested by Hest are mandatory and failure to provide these Data may make it impossible for Hest to provide its services. In cases where Hest specifically states that some Data is not mandatory, Users are free not to communicate this Data without consequences to the availability or the functioning of the Service.

Users who are uncertain about which Personal Data is mandatory are welcome to contact Hest.

Any third-party services used by Hest serves the purpose of providing the Service required by the User, in addition to any other purposes described in the present document.

Users are responsible for any third-party Personal Data obtained, published or shared through Hest and confirm that they have the third party's consent to provide the Data to Hest.


We usually use your information to:

  1. Facilitate the creation of and securing your user account;

  2. Define you as a user in our system;

  3. Providing, customizing and improving the services;

  4. Provide feedback and user base demographics of third parties listed on websites or services;

  5. To communicate with you about your use of the services for your benefit;

  6. Development of new products and services,